COVID-19 Enhanced Safety Protocols

Your FAQs On Dental Implants

If you’re embarrassed to smile, or feel shy to show joy because of missing teeth, a dental implant may be the solution to your condition. Not only do missing teeth cause emotional stress, but they also render the structural integrity of your smile vulnerable. Further damage, decay, or even tooth loss can occur from missing a single tooth.

Cosmetic Considerations for a Broken Tooth

If your tooth breaks, you may be too worried about repairing it to think about how your restoration is going to blend into your smile. Thankfully, your Milford cosmetic dentist, Dr. Mitchell I. Quintner, can discuss this important consideration with you. When repairing a broken tooth, it is important to consider the location of the tooth in order to choose the proper materials for the dental crown that will repair it.

Milford Dentist: Learn More About Cosmetic Dentistry

How do you feel about your smile? The American Association of Orthodontists recently commissioned a study conducted by Wakefield Research. The study revealed that more than a third of Americans are unhappy with their smile. Whether due to unsightly teeth stains or embarrassing dental misalignment, people often feel self-conscious about their smile. Thankfully, at Sensitive Care Cosmetic and Family Dentistry,