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3 Ways Crooked Teeth Threaten Your Smile

Many adults face the crooked-teeth-conundrum; their teeth are crooked, and therefore so are their smiles, but they wonder how wearing braces to correct them would affect their immediate appearance. Fortunately, we offer a wide variety of cosmetic options to straighten teeth discreetly, but in case looks aren’t reason enough, we explain three ways in which crooked teeth can threaten the health of your smile.

Milford Dentist: What Do You Know About Invisalign?

A recent study conducted by Wakefield Research at the behest of the American Association of Orthodontists revealed that over a third of Americans are unhappy with their smiles. Misalignment is a common reason people feel self-conscious about their teeth. Thankfully, at Sensitive Care Cosmetic and Family Dentistry, we provide a practically invisible solution to dental misalignment.