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Cosmetic Dentist Looks at the Effects of Coffee on Teeth

Does your day only truly begin once you’ve had a cup of coffee? If so, you may be wondering what effect this magic elixir is having on your teeth. After all, you have probably heard mutterings that coffee stains teeth. But does it? According to your Milford cosmetic dentist, Dr. Mitchell I. Quintner, coffee does indeed contain a dark pigment capable of staining teeth. However, whether or not coffee will drastically discolor teeth depends upon how often it is consumed. Drinking numerous cups every day exposes teeth very frequently to the staining pigment, and thus teeth are more likely to become discolored. Enjoying a single cup each day, on the other hand, is less likely to alter the color of teeth.

Coffee and Oral Bacteria

Although it can contribute to discoloration, coffee can also impact teeth in a positive way. The beverage works against oral bacteria that are responsible for tooth decay, giving it mild cavity-fighting powers. These powers are likely to diminish if the coffee contains a lot of sugar, which will feed the bacteria instead of fighting against them. Thus, if you prefer a sugary cup of coffee to a black one, your coffee is not likely to fight against cavities.

Coffee and Tooth Enamel

One often-neglected aspect of coffee is its acidity and the effect that this characteristic has upon tooth enamel. Acid can soften enamel, making it more vulnerable. Thus if you brush your teeth immediately after you finish your coffee, you could, in fact, be doing more harm than good for your teeth. The softened enamel is more likely to part with teeth, and the abrasive force created by brushing may accelerate enamel loss. Therefore, instead of brushing directly after you finish your morning coffee, try rinsing your mouth with water and saving the brushing for an hour or so later.

Sensitive Care Cosmetic & Family Dentistry is proud to serve the Milford area. Patients can contact our office at 203-878-6699 to schedule an appointment or a consultation.