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3 Ways Crooked Teeth Threaten Your Smile

Many adults face the crooked-teeth-conundrum; their teeth are crooked, and therefore so are their smiles, but they wonder how wearing braces to correct them would affect their immediate appearance. Fortunately, we offer a wide variety of cosmetic options to straighten teeth discreetly, but in case looks aren’t reason enough, we explain three ways in which crooked teeth can threaten the health of your smile.

Alignment and Balance

By their nature, uneven teeth aren’t aligned the way they should be, and besides their appearance, that misalignment can greatly affect how your teeth interact with each other to bite and grind your food. Proper alignment and balance allow your teeth and jaws to process your food, enunciate your words, and more without exerting an excessive amount of force. Improper balance can force your teeth and jaws to over-compensate, leading to potential tooth damage and jaw joint dysfunction (TMJ disorder).

Symmetry and Dental Health

When your teeth aren’t straight, your toothbrush might have trouble cleaning them effectively as it passes over their surfaces. The uneven, jutting edges can provide difficult or impossible-to-reach spots for food particles and plaque to hide. Over time, the food and bacterial plaque can lead to persistent bad breath (halitosis), tooth decay, gum disease, and more, and if not straightened, your teeth will remain at a higher risk of such issues.

Beauty and Confidence

It isn’t the most important consequence when it comes to your dental health, but your smile’s appearance still plays a significant role in your overall self-image and confidence. In turn, how you feel about your smile can strongly influence the quality of your professional and social life. It’s no surprise, then, that the most compelling reason to straighten crooked teeth is often the boost that straight teeth will lend your smile’s appeal. To learn how to improve your smile without compromising your confidence with traditional braces, ask us about our discreet orthodontic options, such as Invisalign® Clear Braces and our Minor Tooth Movement, or MTM®, adult orthodontic system.

To learn more, schedule an appointment by calling (203) 878-6699. The specialists at Sensitive Care Cosmetic & Family Dentistry proudly serve patients and their families in Milford, Stratford, West Haven, New Haven, and all surrounding communities.