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What Causes Adult Tooth Loss?

The fact that we only grow one set of adult teeth exemplifies the importance of proper dental care; if a tooth is lost because of a dental disease, or due to a dental injury, it won’t grow back. Its loss, however, can seriously affect the rest of your oral health by throwing your bite off-balance, increasing the risks of damage and disease to your remaining teeth, and diminishing your ability to bite and chew properly. As your experienced Milford dentists explain, the key to preserving your healthy, natural smile is to understand what causes tooth loss to occur in the first place.

The Loss of a Tooth

If your tooth is knocked out of its socket, or avulsed, then prevention might not have been an option. In most other cases, however, adequate hygiene and quick action can lessen your risks of losing a tooth.


When a tooth is cracked, fractured, or broken, the damage may be repaired with an appropriate restorative treatment, like a dental crown. If you hesitate visit the dentist, then the damage can become too severe to treat (especially if the root fractures), and the tooth may require an extraction to save the surrounding tissues and jawbone from collateral damage.


Tooth decay is the name of the infection that causes cavities, or small holes, to form in your teeth. Though usually treated before they can consume the whole tooth, neglect can allow the infection to spread to the tooth’s roots, and in extreme cases, require an extraction. Still, the leading cause of adult tooth loss is periodontal disease (gum disease), which destroys the gums and jawbone that support your teeth if the condition isn’t treated promptly.


Sometimes, losing a tooth is the best option for your overall oral health. For instance, if your teeth are severely crooked, and one is too out-of-alignment to straighten, or would interfere with proper orthodontic treatment, then your dentist may recommend extracting it. Wisdom teeth, among the most commonly-extracted teeth, can often grow too close to existing molars, pushing your other teeth out of alignment as they try to erupt from the gum line. Extracting impacted wisdom teeth can help relieve the significant discomfort, as well as restore the balance and harmony to your remaining teeth.

Replacing Lost Teeth with Dental Implants

Even if you fail to prevent tooth loss, you can help preserve what remains of your dental health by replacing them with one or more dental implants. Made from biocompatible titanium, dental implants are surgically-inserted prosthetic teeth roots designed to support a dental crown, bridge, or denture (depending on your exact needs). If you’ve lost one or more teeth, then speak with your Milford dentist about the benefits of a dental implant-supported replacement.

To learn more, schedule an appointment by calling our office at (203) 878-6699. The specialists at Sensitive Care Cosmetic & Family Dentistry proudly serve patients and their families in Milford, Stratford, West Haven, New Haven, and all surrounding communities.