COVID-19 Enhanced Safety Protocols

Root Canal


Root Canal

Pre-Treatment Info:

  • No preparation is required before treatment.
  • If you require medication for dental anxiety or need to take pre-medication for specific procedures, our doctors can provide the necessary prescription to suit your needs. We can also provide Nitrous Oxide to calm you during your dental visit. Please inform the doctor prior to your dental visit.

Post-Treatment Info:

  • You will be numb from the anesthesia.
  • You’ve had microsurgery on the inside of your tooth. You may experience post-op inflammation.
  • Please call immediately if it is uncomfortable to bite your teeth together as the tooth may require a quick and painless adjustment.
  • It is normal to experience a bruised feeling upon chewing for up to 10-14 days following procedure.
  • If you have been on antibiotics, it is important that you take them until completed.
  • We recommend that you take 800mg Ibuprofen (prescribed) every 6-8 hours for the next 24-48 hours to help avoid post-op inflammation and discomfort.