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Milford Dentist Discusses the Dental Crown

Did you know that your teeth are coated in the hardest surface in the entire body? This material (called enamel) lends them strength and durability as well as a strong resistance against oral bacteria. However, even though teeth are impressive in their strength, they can be worn down and can even break. When a tooth breaks, a dental crown should be placed to restore the damage and provide additional strength and stability. But did you know that there is more than one type of dental crown? To learn more about these restorative dental devices, read the following information from your Milford dentist, Dr. Mitchell I. Quintner.

Types of Dental Crowns

  1. Ceramic crowns. Ceramic crowns are widely recognized as producing the most natural-looking cosmetic results. They recreate the way that light interacts with a living tooth for a restoration that achieves an astounding level of realism. In fact, it is very difficult to pick out a well-made ceramic crown among actual living teeth. The only drawback to this type of crown is that it is not as strong as other types.
  2. Porcelainfused-to-metal (PFM) crowns. PFM crowns feature an outer layer of porcelain for a nice cosmetic touch, but underneath the porcelain is a strong layer of metal. This metal provides the strength necessary to protect teeth even in the back of the mouth, where bite force is greater. However, the under layer of metal detracts slightly from the cosmetic results, which are unable to match up against the results achieved by ceramic crowns. PFM crowns are, therefore, usually applied to teeth in the back of the mouth.
  3. CEREC crowns. CEREC crowns are dental crowns that are created and placed in a single dental visit. Traditionally dental crowns had to be created at an off-site fabricator. However, your Milford dentist, Dr. Quintner, has a milling machine at the dental office, allowing him to create your custom dental crown while you wait.

Schedule a Visit with Your Milford Dentist

Do you have a broken tooth that needs a dental crown? If so, contact our 06460 dentist office to schedule an appointment or a consultation with your Milford dentist, Dr. Quintner, today by calling 203-878-6699. We proudly serve the 06460 area and welcome patients from Milford, Orange, Woodmont, West Haven, and all neighboring communities.