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Milford Dentist Explains the Purpose of Root Canal Treatment

You have probably heard about root canal treatment. But do you know the purpose of this often-mentioned procedure? People frequently speak about root canals as though they ought to be avoided. But is the popular view of this procedure accurate? To find out, read below as your Milford dentist, Dr. Mitchell I. Quintner, walks you through the basics of root canal treatment.

Advanced Tooth Decay

When bacteria succeed in damaging teeth, they create a cavity. When a cavity is discovered, it should be cleaned and then filled to remove harmful bacteria and reinforce the tooth against further damage. However, if a cavity is not detected or if a dental filling is neglected, the bacteria responsible for the cavity will be able to burrow even deeper into the tooth. Eventually, they may reach the tooth’s pulp, which they can infect, putting the life of the entire tooth at risk. Additionally, there is a risk that the infection in the pulp could spread into the jaw, the rest of the mouth, and even the rest of the body (causing illness). Thankfully, though, root canal treatment can step in to restore oral health.

The Root Canal Procedure

The goal of root canal treatment is to remove the infection from the tooth. To do this, your Milford dentist, Dr. Quintner, will use a drill and other small instruments to access the infected pulp of the tooth in question. Then he will remove it before filling the tooth to prevent further infection. In some cases, the extent of the damage done by bacteria will have weakened the tooth significantly, putting it in danger of suffering structural damage. If this is the case, Dr. Quintner will fit the tooth with a dental crown to lend it extra strength.

Schedule a Visit with Your Milford Dentist

If you have a tooth in need of root canal treatment, don’t delay any longer. Contact our 06460 dental office to schedule an appointment or a consultation with your Milford dentist, Dr. Quintner, by calling 203-878-6699. We proudly serve the 06460 area and welcome patients from Milford, Orange, Woodmont, West Haven, and all neighboring communities.