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Toothbrush Etiquette 101

Brushing your teeth exists as an integral practice to maintaining optimum oral health. Furthermore, care and storage for your toothbrush should be considered important. Studies have shown that your oral brushing instrument could, in fact, harbor bacteria if cared for improperly. Although your body constantly defends itself from harmful microorganisms, brushing with a dirty toothbrush and adding to the mix of 600 different kinds of identifiable bacteria in your mouth isn’t advised. The doctors at Sensitive Care Dental recommend regular toothbrush maintenance along with routine oral hygiene habits to preserve peak oral health.

Cleaning and Storage

The Sensitive Care doctors recommend that you rinse your toothbrush thoroughly after use to remove residual paste or particles. Also, soaking your brush in antibacterial mouth rinse in between uses may improve the cleanliness of your brush.

The following list are recommendations on basic storage practices:

  • Keep brush separate from others, avoiding cross-contamination
  • Store brush upright to allow an air drying effect
  • Container storage is discouraged due to bacteria preferring dark, moist environments

You should be aware that any sickness transferrable by bodily fluids may end up on your toothbrush. Storing your brush in a separate place from others will decrease the chance of transference.


Depending on the patient’s brushing habits and techniques, a toothbrush may wear quicker than others. However, a general rule is to replace your brush at least every three-to-four months.

Also keep in mind that worn or frayed bristles signal a need for toothbrush replacement, which may occur prior to the three month mark.

If you’ve overcome a sickness, replace the toothbrush used as soon as possible, decreasing the chance of possibly becoming ill due to brush contamination.

General Rules

Here are some general health suggestions to ensure that you are not enabling the transference of bacteria onto your toothbrush:

If you haven’t attended a dental checkup and cleaning in a while, or you would like to ask questions concerning preventive dental care, then schedule an appointment by calling our office at (203) 878-6699. The specialists at Sensitive Care Cosmetic & Family Dentistry proudly serve patients and their families in Milford, Stratford, West Haven, New Haven, and all surrounding communities.