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Esthetic Dental Bonding in Milford, CT

It’s no secret that cosmetic dentistry has the power to totally transform your smile. At Sensitive Care Cosmetic and Family Dentistry in Milford, CT, we believe that everyone deserves a healthy, beautiful smile. We also know that the way each patient achieves this healthy and beautiful smile is unique and custom-designed; no two patients are the same. Today, our doctors want to discuss dental bonding, which can be used as an alternative to some well-known cosmetic dental procedures.

Esthetic bonding in Milford

Esthetic bonding, also called dental bonding, refers to the art of using composite resin — a tooth-colored biocompatible material — to improve the appearance of the teeth. Our dentists are experts when it comes to designing your smile to look natural and blend seamlessly with your overall appearance and use dental bonding day and day out to transform the smiles of our patients from across the greater Milford area.

As an alternative to porcelain veneers

Esthetic bonding and porcelain veneers have much in common. Both cosmetic dental restorations offer quick, minimally-invasive, and fully-transformational smile makeovers. While dental bonding corrects many of the same smile issues as porcelain veneers, cosmetic bonding is more affordable than veneers because of the material used. Dental bonding requires more upkeep that traditional porcelain veneers do, but both procedures are high-quality options to achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Fast and easy smile transformations

One of the most notable benefits of dental bonding is the swiftness with which it can change your appearance. Dental bonding can correct several smile issues at once including closing smile gaps, covering permanent tooth stains, and smoothing jagged tooth edges. Since cosmetic bonding is made of composite resin, the bonding can be shaped directly on top of the tooth. Unlike porcelain veneers that must be shaped in a dental lab, cosmetic bonding can be placed in as little as one dental appointment at our Milford dentist office.

Cosmetic dentistry in Milford

Sensitive Care Cosmetic & Family Dentistry is proud to serve the Milford area. Patients can contact our office at (203) 878-6699 to schedule an appointment or a consultation.