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Milford Dentist Discusses Two Types of Teeth Stains

Between the foods we like and the natural process of enamel loss that goes along with aging, it can seem as though we are destined to have yellow teeth. Thankfully, though, cosmetic dentistry offers teeth whitening to remove stains and brighten smiles. But did you know that there are two types of stains that can tarnish teeth and that professional teeth whitening only targets one of them? Below, your Milford dentist, Dr. Mitchell I. Quintner, takes a closer look at the two types of stains, explaining which cosmetic procedures work best for each type.

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Stains

Teeth stains are generally categorized into two types: intrinsic and extrinsic stains. Intrinsic stains exist within teeth, where teeth whitening treatments cannot reach them. They are often the result of overexposure to fluoride, certain medications, and trauma. Extrinsic stains occur on the surface of teeth and are targeted by whitening treatments, which can remove them and brighten teeth. Dark pigments like those found in coffee, tea, soda, red wine, and blueberries are the culprit for many extrinsic stains.

Cosmetic Dentistry and Teeth Stains

While teeth whitening treatment does work to remove extrinsic stains, it proves ineffective against intrinsic stains. Thus, your Milford cosmetic dentist, Dr. Quintner, suggests two cosmetic procedures to improve the appearance of intrinsic stains. These procedures are dental bonding and the application of porcelain veneers. Dental bonding applies a tooth-colored composite resin to the stained surface. The resin covers the stains and creates a new, stain-free surface. Porcelain veneers are thin shells of porcelain that adhere to the front surface of teeth. The veneers mimic the appearance of natural teeth, even in different lighting conditions. The entire process is also rather quick. If you elect to receive porcelain veneers from your Milford cosmetic dentist, Dr. Quintner, your new smile will be complete in about three dental visits.

Schedule a Visit with Your Milford Dentist

Are you unhappy with the color of your teeth? Porcelain veneers can cover the stains and give you a brilliant new smile. Contact our 06460 dentist office to schedule an appointment or a consultation with your Milford cosmetic dentist, Dr. Quintner, today by calling 203-878-6699. We proudly serve the 06460 area and welcome patients from Milford, Orange, Woodmont, West Haven, and all neighboring communities.