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Milford Dentist Quizzes You on Emergency Dental Care

A dental emergency can arise out of nowhere. Therefore, while you cannot predict when an emergency will occur, you should nonetheless be prepared with the knowledge of what to do in a variety of emergency situations. To see how well you are prepared, your Milford dentist, Dr. Mitchell I. Quintner, has put together the following emergency dental care quiz. Test your knowledge and check your answers below.

The Quiz

  1. True or False: A lost tooth should be handled by the root rather than the crown.
  2. True or False: You should put a knocked out tooth back in its socket before seeking dental assistance.
  3. True or False: You should visit the emergency room for a severe bite to your tongue.

The Answer Key

  1. False. A lost tooth should be handled by the crown rather than the root. When handling a lost tooth, try to avoid touching the root at all. By doing so, you can increase the chances that the lost tooth can be saved.
  2. True. A lost tooth has a small window of about 30 minutes to one hour during which it can be saved. To make sure you get the most out of this hour, rinse the tooth with water and attempt to place it back in its socket. Doing so can keep the root of the tooth moist, maximizing its time. If you are unable to replace the tooth in its socket, place it in water or milk and hurry to visit your Milford emergency dentist, Dr. Quintner, for emergency dental care.
  3. True. If you bite your tongue severely, it is best to press a damp cloth to the wound. Doing so should help stem the bleeding until it stops. However, if the bleeding will not stop, head straight to the emergency room for medical assistance.

Emergency Dental Care from Your Milford Dentist

If you or a loved one experiences an emergency, prompt dental assistance is imperative. Contact our 06460 dentist office to speak with your Milford emergency dentist, Dr. Quintner, about emergency dental care by calling 203-878-6699. We proudly serve the 06460 area and welcome patients from Milford, Orange, Woodmont, West Haven, and all neighboring communities.