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Milford Dentist Discusses Treatment for a Broken Tooth

When a tooth breaks, it can be a huge shock. Teeth seem so strong and permanent that it may be difficult to believe that the damage has actually occurred. However, once the reality of the situation settles in, it is important that the tooth receive treatment. But what exactly can be done for a broken tooth? To find out, read the following information from your Milford dentist, Dr. Mitchell I. Quintner.

Broken Teeth and Bacteria

When a tooth breaks, it is important to consider oral bacteria. In many cases, bacteria may have contributed to the weakening of the tooth’s structural integrity through tooth decay. In other cases, oral bacteria may not have played much of a role in weakening the tooth. However, with the tooth broken and vulnerable, they do pose the potential threat of infecting the damaged tooth. Thus, it is important that you seek dental assistance quickly after breaking a tooth. The quick intervention may be able to prevent an infection. In other cases, the tooth may already have been infected prior to breaking, necessitating root canal treatment as part of the tooth’s restoration.

Broken Teeth and Dental Crowns

After root canal treatment has been completed, the broken tooth will need to be reinforced by a dental crown. Crowns are hollow prosthetic teeth that fit over the top of a damaged tooth to provide extra strength and stability so that it will not incur further damage. Dental crowns come in various types and are often chosen based on the location of the damaged tooth. If, for instance, the broken tooth was at the front of the mouth, a porcelain crown would likely be chosen because porcelain crowns offer outstanding cosmetic results. For a tooth in the back of the mouth, however, a porcelain-fused-to-metal or an all-metal crown would be a better candidate owing to their superior strength.

Schedule a Visit with Your Milford Dentist

Do you have a broken tooth in need of repair? If so, contact our 06460 dentist office to schedule an appointment or a consultation with your Milford dentist, Dr. Quintner, by calling 203-878-6699. We proudly serve the 06460 area and welcome patients from Milford, Orange, Woodmont, West Haven, and all neighboring communities.