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End Your Frustration with Bad Breath

Bad breath can be embarrassing, and many people start their day brushing and flossing their teeth to rid their mouths of it. Unfortunately, dental hygiene may not always completely eradicate your bad breath. You may have tried mints, chewing gum, extra doses of mouth rinse, or other methods of covering your offensive breath, but these techniques only mask the odor rather than eliminating it.

Gum Disease at a Glance

Gum disease is no small threat, considering the fact that it affects over 70% of adults in the United States. However, its prevalence is largely facilitated by neglect, whether in the form of poor oral hygiene or a lack of due diligence when the warning signs of gum disease become present. Your Milford dentists at Sensitive Care hope to increase your vigilance in the fight against gum disease by explaining the true dangers your smile faces when it’s allowed to run rampant.

Facts About Modern Dental Implants

Over the last few decades, dental implants have taken the world of teeth replacement by storm. As the only prosthetic option that can replace lost teeth’s roots, dental implants offer unmatched stability for your replacement teeth (i.e., dental bridge, partial, or complete denture). While the art of replacing lost teeth has been a vital part of dentistry for thousands of years,

Healthier Ways to a Brighter Smile

Teeth stains are a widespread nuisance, and can occur naturally for a number of different reasons. Because of the frequency of tooth stains, teeth-whitening is perhaps the most commonly requested cosmetic dental procedure today. Many toothpaste brands and other hygiene products advertise their benefits for whitening your teeth, and you can buy products specifically meant to brighten your smile in most pharmacies and grocery stores.

A Look At Teeth Straightening With Sensitive Care

Most cosmetic dentistry treatments are considered elective enhancements to one’s smile. Differing from preventive dentistry, cosmetic alterations to a patient’s teeth are typically requested to improve their smile aesthetics instead of prevent disease or infection. However, in some cases general and cosmetic dentistry blend to allow for both benefits that come along with each type of treatment.

Your FAQs On Dental Implants

If you’re embarrassed to smile, or feel shy to show joy because of missing teeth, a dental implant may be the solution to your condition. Not only do missing teeth cause emotional stress, but they also render the structural integrity of your smile vulnerable. Further damage, decay, or even tooth loss can occur from missing a single tooth.

Learn More About The Minor Tooth Movement System

Do you have a gap? How about minimally crooked teeth? Can you tell that your teeth are overlapped? Enhancing your smile is an investment in you, and it can benefit in personal, social, and professional endeavors. The alignment of your teeth also assist in providing health to your entire oral cavity. So, help yourself and invest in your smile with a cosmetic dentistry treatment from Sensitive Care Cosmetic and Family Dentistry called Minor Tooth Movement (MTM) Clear Aligner.

Schedule A Checkup Before The First Day Of Summer

In the Norther Hemisphere, the 2014 Summer Solstice occurs on June 21 at 10:51 UTC. June is also the halfway mark to completing another year. Have you attended a dental checkup and cleaning yet? If not, a dental examination can potentially discover a condition before it worsens into pain, discomfort, and a hefty dental bill,